Friday, 23 October 2009

SIS at the Institute for Information Management Annual Conference in Canberra

On Wednesday October 8th Bob and Mary Anne took information about the new SIS Courses to the annual conference of the Institute for Information Management Conference “Managing Information Today and Tomorrow” in Canberra. We met lots of interesting people, including past, present and hopefully future students of SIS.

The conference provided a forum for both information practitioners and solution providers to come together in order to develop their understanding of theory and practice in all aspects of information management. The conference had interesting papers in three streams:

  • Governance, Risk and Compliance
  • Enterprise Content Management
  • Business Intelligence
In the afternoon there was a panel discussion on "Freedom of Information (FoI) and Web 2.0". Panel members included Vladimir Videnovic, Institute for Information Management; Tony Corcoran, Department of Defence; Christine Johnson, National Archives of Australia; Thomas Kaufhold, Records Management Association of Australasia; David Eade, Objective; Peter Outteridge Australian Computer Society; and Mary Anne. A large part of the discussion centred around education in the changing information landscape.